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 ColorChecker 色卡护照


 ColorChecker 通行证是一款“从拍摄到编辑”的强大色彩解决方案,适合所有寻求色彩更加精确一致和灵活创作的摄影师。如果结合使用 ColorChecker 通行证和 Adobe® 成像解决方案,您甚至可以获得更大的益处。ColorChecker 通行证包含三个摄影目标,装在一个口袋大小、可作多种定位的保护外壳内,可适应任何景色的拍摄。结合内置的数相机校准软件,您可享受到功能性、灵活性和便携性相结合的终极体验。

将 ColorChecker 通行证纳入 Raw 工作流程有很多种方法。不管您是充分利用整个解决方案,还是只使用 ColorChecker 通行证众多功能中的部分功能,您几乎都能立刻发现质量和产能的提高。

创意性增强目标 - 使用增强色块中性化并创建视觉效果;检查并评估阴影细节或高光溢出;检查并控制色彩变化 
Classic 目标 - 可用于创建 DNG 配置文件并评估指定色彩的行业标准色彩参考目标
白平衡目标 - 创建自定义相机内白平衡,可在一组图像中获得一致的白点,从而避免后期需要对每张图像进行校正
相机校准软件 - 包含桌面应用程序和 Adobe® Lightroom® 插件,可用于创建自定义 DNG 配置文件
便携式保护外壳 - 可作多种定位,这样您可以调整目标,拍摄任何景色。还附有一根方便使用的绳索。
想拍摄 JPEG 格式而不是 RAW 格式的照片吗?
如果在工作流程中使用 ColorChecker 通行证,您仍可获得许多益处。

•  确保使用正确的白点拍摄 JPEG 格式的文件
•  避免发生重大白平衡错误的几率,这些错误无法在 JPEG 工作流程后期进行纠正
•  节省后期制作中对每张照片的编辑时间
•  使用渐层灰色色块评估并优化阴影细节或高光溢出
•  利用 HSL(色相、饱和度、亮度)色块,以用作颜色光谱和颜色校准的视觉参考
•  调暖或调冷图像
Classic 目标
•  在与拍摄图像时同样的光照条件下拍摄 Classic 目标,并将其用作视觉参考以帮助进行色彩校正

 ColorChecker 通行证是一款无可比拟的工具,可帮助您在从拍摄到后期处理整个过程中实现全面色彩控制以及自定义创意增强效果。
色彩管理就是指让颜色从输入到输出始终保持一致的技术。也就是说,相机捕获逼真色彩,然后显示器准确显示色彩,最后打印机打印出与您在屏幕上看到的色彩一样的图像色彩。ColorChecker 通行证是实现百分白色彩管理工作流程的重要组成部分。另外,随附的增强目标可加强创意,快速轻松地编辑并表现出正如您一直想象着的色彩,帮助您进一步提高视觉效果。无论是摄影棚拍摄,还是色彩斑斓的自然景色拍摄,抑或是需要拍摄多张照片的活动拍摄,您都可以通过一次点击式增强功能,加强照片编辑软件的效能,从而更好地诠释您的灵感。
根据特定相机记录色彩的原理,以 RAW 格式拍摄可提高对图像进行色彩校准的灵活性。校准后的 RAW 工作流程可最大程度地减少相机和镜头之间的色差,适用于混合光源,同时还可在不同景色间实现色彩匹配。ColorChecker 通行证可让相机校准体验变得迅速、简单。由于起点基础一致,您能够更好地进行色彩编辑。此外,您可以利用您的 Raw 处理软件自动将配置文件应用到大量的图像中。
如果您的 RAW 处理应用程序不支持自定义 DNG 配置文件,您仍可使用 ColorChecker 通行证为色彩编辑提供实物参考。该增强目标还可为 Raw 编辑程序包提供曝光评估和一次点击白平衡调节等功能,只要 Raw 编辑程序包支持这些功能。


ColorChecker 白平衡目标是一款全新的色彩一致性目标,可为您在拍摄过程中碰到的各种不同光照条件提供中性参考点。由于目标可均等反射所有可见光谱中的光,因此创建一个相机内自定义白平衡可适当地补偿不同的光源。

o 消除色偏
o 提高相机显示屏上的色彩预览效果,使得直方图变得更加可靠
o 无需分别对每张图像进行中性化处理,从而可更快速、更轻松地完成后期制作中的色彩编辑工作

为每种光照环境设置自定义白平衡可使相机内置显示屏上的色彩预览效果更加准确,直方图更加可靠,同时还可加快后期制作中色彩编辑的进程。要获得这些益处,采用 Raw 格式拍摄的摄影师可在拍摄过程中随时拍摄白平衡目标,而以 JPEG 格式拍摄的摄影师则必须在拍摄第一张照片时就拍摄白平衡目标。



全新的增强目标可为您的工作流程加强色彩创意和控制能力。增强目标由四行色块组成,只需按一下滴管,即可轻松执行图像编辑。无论是摄影棚拍摄,还是色彩斑斓的风景拍摄,抑或是多场景的活动拍摄,您都可以在几乎任何 Raw 处理软件中加强照片编辑软件的效能。 


在溢出方面,增强目标突出了处理 Raw 格式的功能。底部一行溢出色块可用作判断、控制和编辑图像中阴影细节或高光溢出的视觉参考。尽管预览时可能显示丢失了阴影或高光细节,但可能是处理软件正好将其溢出,但所有这些细节其实保留于 RAW 文件内。通过小心校准,您可以恢复这些细节。

这些溢出色块可分为两组:亮色块和暗色块。亮色块依次排列,每两个色块之间存在 1/3 F 制光圈的曝光差异。暗色块排列方式相同,但最后一个色块除外,它代表 ColorChecker 目标中最暗的色块。最暗色块和次最暗色块之间的曝光差异大概为 1/10 档光圈,目标的动态范围大概为 32:1(5 档)。在 Adobe 应用程序中,同时使用这些色块和溢出预览可确保您没有丢失细节。
HSL(色相、饱和度、亮度)色块行位于增强目标的顶部,包含 8 个光谱色块,可确保所有色相的色彩保真性,这样您就可以评估并编辑任何色彩变化。


摄行业标准 ColorChecker Classic 是确保在拍摄中获得一致、可预测性色彩的重要步骤。ColorChecker 通行证包含由 24 色块组成的旅行版 Classic 目标。结合相机校准软件使用时,您可以根据相机对环境光照的反应情况为相机建立 DNG 配置文件,以在各图像及相机间获得一致、可预测及可重复的结果。
Classic 目标还提供可视的色彩参考点。在与拍摄图像相同的光照条件下拍摄该目标,然后在照片处理软件中将其打开作为参考,以帮助进行色彩校正。24 色块中的每一个色块都代表自然物体的颜色,例如天蓝色、肤色和叶绿色,并且每个色块都能犹如其真实世界的对应物一样的反射光线。每个方块都采用纯色调单独着色,以产生逼真、一致、鲜艳的色彩,也没有任何网点或混合涂料。
Classic 可帮助您基于精准信息执行全局校正。如果您拍摄了大量图像,而这些图像都要求相同的色彩校正,您明白,编辑几张重要照片并应用这些更改有时会改变一些您本不想更改的色彩。在与拍摄图像相同的光照条件下拍摄的 ColorChecker Classic 图像可提供参考点,这样您可以在应用这些更改前确切了解这些更改将如何影响其他色彩。由于您所作的更改可应用于一张或一组图像,您可在所有图像间取得一致性。

 使用行业标准 24 色块 ColorChecker——ColorChecker Classic 目标——建立自定义 DNG 配置文件。利用内置的 ColorChecker 通行证相机校准应用程序和 Lightroom® 插件,您可快速、轻松地为包括 Lightroom®、Photoshop®、Photoshop® Elements、Camera Raw (ACR) 和 Adobe® Bridge 在内的各种 Adobe® 成像解决方案建立 DNG 配置文件。

这项全新、先进的色彩管理技术只需使用尺寸小巧的 24 色块 ColorChecker Classic 目标,便可提供出色的效果,同时还可建立 DNG 配置文件,即使在非一般的人造光源中也能发挥很好的作用。此外,软件的自动检测功能会自动定位目标。不管您正在使用一部或多部相机拍摄,都可以轻松建立精准的色彩基础,并保持对色彩的控制。

o 采用 Raw 格式拍摄的摄影师使用相机校准软件可以更好地校准图像并修正色彩
o 精准的色彩为创意诠释提供了一致的基础
o 将相机和镜头之间的色差降至最低
o 适应混合的光照条件
o 使色彩平衡在不同的场景间保持一致

可创建双光源 DNG 配置文件是该软件所提供的一项强大功能。这种配置文件在创建单个配置文件时会同时考虑两种不同的光源,可应用于范围更广的各种光照条件。双光源配置文件可使用 21 种受支持的光源中的任意 2 种光源进行创建,允许您对您可能遇到的任何光照条件建立配置文件。双光源配置文件可让您无需切换配置文件,便可自由地在所代表的光照条件间移动。


       ColorChecker 通行证非常便于携带。确保您每次拍摄时都能与您随行!ColorChecker 通行证的旅行装外壳可提供无与伦比的便利性。外壳由坚固材料制成,可盛装三个 ColorChecker 目标,同时还可在日常使用中保护目标免受恶劣自然环境的影响,延长其使用寿命。此外,方便使用的绳索可便于携带通行证,并且可在每次拍摄时方便您随时取用。

通行证外壳具有自站立功能,可作多种定位,允许您灵活地将目标准确放置在您需要的位置。无论您需要拍摄单张白平衡目标,以 90 度拍摄 Classic 目标或增强目标,还是使这两个目标处于同一水平面同时进行拍摄,通行证外壳都能摆放妥当,满足您的要求。ColorChecker 通行证还配有便利的绳索。


ColorChecker Passport



Superior color results in a fraction of the time!

 ColorChecker Passport is a powerful ‘capture to edit’ color solution for any photographer looking for more accurate, consistent color and creative flexibility. And when you combine ColorChecker Passport with Adobe® Imaging solutions you’ll gain even greater benefits. ColorChecker Passport combines three photographic targets into one pocket size protective, multi-positionable case that adjusts to any scene. Together with the included camera calibration software, you get the ultimate in functionality, flexibility and portability.

There are so many ways to incorporate ColorChecker Passport into your Raw workflow. Whether you take advantage of the entire solution, or just a couple of ColorChecker Passport’s many features, you’ll realize improved quality and productivity almost immediately.

Creative Enhancement Target – neutralize and create your look with enhancement patches; check and evaluate shadow details or highlight clipping; check and control color shifting

Classic Target – industry standard color reference target for creating DNG profiles and for evaluating specific colors

White Balance Target – create custom in-camera white balance for a consistent white point in a set of images, eliminating the need to correct each image later

Camera Calibration Software – includes both a desktop application and an Adobe® Lightroom® Plug-In for creating custom DNG profiles

Portable Protective Case – adjusts to accommodate multiple positions so you can adjust the targets to any scene. Also includes a handy lanyard.

You’ll still gain many great benefits when you include ColorChecker Passport in your workflow.

White Balance Target
•  Ensure your JPEG files are captured with the correct white point
•  Eliminate the chance of any extreme white balance errors which cannot be corrected later in JPEG workflow
•  Save time on post production edits of each individual shot
Creative Enhancement Target
•  Evaluate and optimize shadow details or highlight clipping with gray ramp patches
•  Use as visual reference for color spectrum and color adjustment with HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) patches
•  Warm or cool images
Classic Target
•  Photograph the Classic target in the same lighting as your images and use as a visual reference to help with color correction

Product Features:
A Color-Managed Workflow that Inspires Creativity

 ColorChecker Passport offers you an unparalleled tool to attain full color control and customized creative enhancement from image capture to post-processing.

The art of color management is all about getting your colors to match from input to output. That means your camera captures true colors, your monitor displays them accurately, and your printer produces a photo that matches what you see on screen. The ColorChecker Passport is an essential component to attaining a 100% color-managed workflow. Plus, the included Enhancement target helps you take your vision one step further by providing the creativity to quickly and easily edit and express your colors just as you’ve always imagined. Whether it’s a studio shot, a colorful nature scene or a multiple photo event, you can extend the power of your photo editing software with one-click enhancements that articulate your inspiration.

Shooting Raw provides greater flexibility to color-adjust images based on how a particular camera captures color. A calibrated Raw workflow minimizes color differences between cameras and lenses, adapts for mixed lighting, and makes it possible to color match across different scenes. ColorChecker Passport makes the camera calibration experience fast and easy. You’ll have greater capability to edit color because you’re starting with a consistent foundation. Plus, you’ll be able to take advantage of your Raw processing software to automatically apply your profiles to a large number of images.

If your Raw processing application does not support custom DNG profiles, you can still use ColorChecker Passport to provide a physical reference for color editing. The Enhancement Target also offers such things as exposure evaluation and one-click white balancing for Raw editing packages that support these features.



 Starting with an accurate white balance ensures the colors you capture are true and provides a point of reference for post-shoot editing.

The ColorChecker White Balance target is an all-new spectrally flat target that provides a neutral reference point across different lighting conditions that you encounter during a photo shoot. Since the target reflects light equally across the visible spectrum, creating an in-camera custom white balance can properly compensate for varying lighting.

You'll be able to:
o Eliminate color casts
o Improve the color preview on your camera’s display so your histograms are more reliable
o Make post production color editing faster and easier by eliminating the need to neutralize each image individually
Setting a custom white balance for each lighting situation will make the previews on your camera’s built in display more color correct, make your histograms more reliable, and speed up post production color editing. Raw shooters can capture anytime during the session to gain these benefits, while JPEG shooters should make it your first shot.

Why can’t I use just any white object?
White balancing on a piece of paper or other gray element in the scene may seem like a simple workaround, but most objects are not actually neutral under all lighting conditions; and they’re certainly not consistent. An inaccurate white balance will result in color casts and a lack of consistency between lighting conditions.

The all-new Enhancement Target provides a higher level of color creativity and control to your workflow. The Enhancement target includes four rows of color patches designed for image editing with just the click of an eyedropper. Whether it’s a studio shot, a colorful landscape or a multiple scene photo event, you can extend the power of your photo editing software in virtually any Raw processing software.  


Two rows of warming and cooling patches in the middle guide you to create pleasing and repeatable edits. Creatively refine the color of your image by adding warmth to skin tones or boost the deep greens or blues in a landscape. Simply click through the patches to view the adjustment, and select the one that provides your optimal look. Then, save the setting and apply it to other images that were shot under that same lighting to create pleasing edits – it’s that easy!

When it comes to clipping, the Enhancement target highlights the power of working in Raw. A row of clipping patches across the bottom serve as a visual reference for judging, controlling and editing images for shadow details or highlight clipping. Although it may appear from a preview that shadow or highlight details have been lost, it is possible that the processing software just clipped them and they are still available in the Raw file. With some careful adjustments, you may be able to bring them back.

The clipping patches are separated into two groups: light and dark. The light patches are ordered with 1/3 of an F-stop difference between them. The dark patches are ordered the same, with the exception of the last patch; which represents the blackest patch in the ColorChecker target. The exposure difference between the darkest and next darkest patch is approximately 1/10th of a stop, and the dynamic range of the target is about 32:1 (5 stops). In Adobe applications, use these patches along with the clipping preview to ensure you are not losing details.

Across the top of the Enhancement target, the top HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) row includes 8 spectrum patches to ensure color fidelity across all hues so you can evaluate and edit for any color shifts.



Photographing the industry standard ColorChecker Classic is an important step in attaining consistent, predictable color at capture. The ColorChecker Passport includes a travel-sized version of the Classic 24 patch target.  When combined with camera calibration software you can produce DNG profiles of your camera’s response to scene lighting to get consistent, predictable and repeatable results from image to image and camera to camera.
The Classic target also provides a visual point of color reference. Photograph it in the same lighting as your images; then open it in your photo processing software as a reference to help with color correction. Each of the 24 color patches represents the colors of natural objects, such as sky blue, skin tones and leaf green; and each patch reflects light just like its real world counterpart. Each square is individually colored using a solid tone to produce pure, flat, rich color without dots or mixed tints.
The Classic can help you make global corrections based on accurate information. If you shoot a large number of images that all require the same color correction, you know that editing a few key photos and applying your changes can sometimes change colors you didn’t intend to be changed. A shot of the ColorChecker Classic captured under the same lighting as your images will provide a point of reference, so you can see exactly how changes will affect the rest of your colors before you apply them. Since your changes can be applied to one photo or a group of images, you’ll achieve consistency throughout your images.




 Build custom DNG profiles with the ColorChecker Classic Target, the industry standard 24-patch ColorChecker. With the included ColorChecker Passport Camera Calibration Application and Lightroom® Plug-In, you can quickly and easily build DNG profiles for Adobe® Imaging solutions including Lightroom®, Photoshop®, Photoshop® Elements, Camera Raw (ACR) and Adobe® Bridge.

This new advanced profiling technology provides excellent results with just the small 24-patch ColorChecker Classic target, producing DNG profiles that work exceptionally well, even in unusual artificial light sources. Plus, software auto-detection will locate the target automatically.  Whether you are shooting with just one camera or multiple cameras, you’ll easily establish an accurate color foundation and maintain control of your colors.

o Camera calibration for Raw shooters enables greater capability to calibrate and correct color
o Accurate color gives a consistent foundation for creative interpretation
o Minimize color differences between cameras and lenses
o Adapt for mixed lighting
o Make color balance match across different scenes

A very powerful feature of the software is the ability to create dual-illuminant DNG profiles. This type of profile takes into account two different light sources to create a single profile, which can be applied to an even wider variety of lighting conditions. Dual-Illuminant profiles can be made with any two of twenty-one supported illuminants, allowing you to create a profile for just about any kind of lighting condition you may encounter. Dual-illuminant profiles allow you the freedom to move between the represented lighting conditions without switching profiles.



       ColorChecker Passport is so convenient and portable. Make sure you take it with you to every shoot! The ColorChecker Passport’s travel-sized case provides the ultimate in convenience. Made of a rugged material, it houses and protects the three ColorChecker targets from the elements and daily use to extend their lifespan. Plus, the handy lanyard makes it easy to transport and keeps it handy during every photo shoot.

The Passport case is adjusts to multiple positions to self-stand, allowing you the flexibility to place the targets exactly where you need them. Whether you need a single shot of the White Balance target, a 90-degree shot of the Classic or Enhancement target, or a parallel shot of them together, the Passport case can be perfectly positioned.  ColorChecker Passport also includes a convenient lanyard.




